Tuesday, April 21, 2009

God & your garden

God and your Garden

SEEDS- good seeds are necessary!! The right seeds will be able to be die when covered with the good earth and produce a plant.

For a person to be a good seed in God’s garden of life, he needs to die to himself and let God convict him of sin that is controlling his life. There is no goodness in a person. God must plant the seed to believe in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. Once dead, our soul becomes fully alive in Jesus alone.

SOIL- the best dirt has been composted and tilled until it can breathe. It must be a certain balance of PH and loosely packed to yield the best crop.

The Bible says our hearts are like soil for God’s Word. Our hearts, like the soil, must be broken up and must be able to admit they are deceitful and desperately wicked so we can receive the truth of salvation that is in Jesus alone. We are packed tight with pride and self until God tills and stirs up our knowledge of sin. All the compost for a garden must be added to daily, turned, and allowed to get a certain temperature before it can be the best for growing seeds. Our hearts need a great work done by God for us to know we need to repent and come to Him.

FERTILIZER- we use organic additives to our soil to give it nutrients for its crops.

After believing and repenting of sin, our hearts and lives need to be fertilized daily by God’s Word and prayer. By making sure we are obedient to the commands of Christ, we are keeping our hearts pure and are able to grow the fruit of the Spirit in our lives.

PLANTING- sowing seeds is an act of faith. We can do all we can but only God can give the results.

Every good seed that is planted in good soil has a very good opportunity to die and become a new plant. Every person who ever hears the gospel has all the opportunity to be a new creature in Christ and have all things become new. The Bible says today is the accepted time for salvation. Any lost soul must consider that he has no promise of tomorrow, and must one day stand at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Every child of God must realize the time is at hand to give an answer to the hope that lies within him to everyone he can. Sowing seeds of the gospel is being obedient.

SUNSHINE- plants will die without the necessary amount of the sun’s warmth. They also will grow in the direction of the sun.

Jesus said, I am the Light of the world. Oh how we need the SON to keep us alive. He is the resurrection and the life. He that hath the SON hath life and he that believeth not in the SON shall not see life. As a believer we will willingly follow the SON and want to grow in His direction, knowing that things of the world will lead us astray.

RAIN- wet, dark days are essential for the roots of a plant to grow. Dry, parched land yields no good crops.

The Lord can allow someone to go through very dark, rough times in order to show Himself to that person. It is usually when we are lowest that there is no place to look except up. God is waiting for us. Even after we are His children He allows trials in our lives to increase our faith and make us more in His image. It is through the dark times that the strongest roots grow; preparing us for when the next trial appears. The hard part is to count it all joy, knowing He knows what is best for us. Jesus is the living water.

WEEDS- every garden has these terrible things. They must be pulled by the root to get them out of the garden area. It takes time and effort to rid a garden of weeds.

An unbeliever is full of weeds in their lives. Before coming to the Savior we all enjoy the pleasures of sin. All we like sheep have gone astray and have turned everyone to his own way. After we come to hate sin and love the Savior we are still bothered with temptations and are told to flee and draw near to God.
All sins are like weeds in our lives. Some are small and easier to pull out.
Others are big and need more effort. We cannot get rid of either size because Satan is bigger than we think. Only God can cleanse and make us clean and clear our lives from terrible weeds. We must trust Him to do the work.

HARVEST- the wonderful time of gathering the ripe fruits and vegetables.

On day God will send for His harvest to be taken to His heavenly home. While here we need to be adding to His harvest. Are you ready for the time of harvest? God is faithful and will come back for His church. The church is His garden of believers who have been planted, grown and tried on this earth and to whom He promises eternal life and a home in heaven one day.
Thanks to my wife for this post!

1 comment:

MystODemize said...

This is Dewey Greer from Greer Wholesale. Lost your number, trying to get in touch with you. 434-821-0002